
Ram V - Speaker of the Month

26 March 2024

Our final March Speaker of the Month visited us this week!

Ram V is originally from Mumbai and lived in Philadephia for many years whilst working as a chemical engineer. Though he had a successful career as an engineer, Ram's passion was creative writing so he left his career to follow his dream.

Ram spoke to students about his successful journey as a writer. Since self-publishing his first book in 2016, his work has won multiple awards. As well as creating original work, Ram has also written for iconic characters and titles such as Detective Comics, Justice League Dark, Catwoman, Venom and many more for DC Comics and Marvel.

As well as delivering a talk to students, Ram also participated in workshop with our Art & Design students.

A huge thank you to Ram for visiting us and sharing your inspiring story with our students!

Tags: english guest speaker art and design guest

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